Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I'm getting paid to do this?

Listening to: Colorblind by the Counting Crows (it's always been a dream of mine to skate to this song....)
Currently drinking; Some drip coffee with hot cocoa mixed into it<--really it's pretty good :)
My new, cheaper version of a double mocha...it works right?
First of all, I just want to thank the people who responded to my last post, telling me to keep writing. I sometimes tend to forget that I have a wonderful support system back home. Last night I sat down and thought about why I feel so insecure about writing, and I think I've come to the realization that it's because I love it so much. It seems a little counterintuitive that I would be so scared of something that I'm really beginning to have a passion for, but I think that's the way I've always been (ice skating, dancing, theatre, it's always been the same...). I'm going to try to work through these insecurities, but I'm not making any promises, and I'm not going to have immediate confidence, but I think the best thing anybody can do in life is give an honest effort. You know, try...

Ok well, I'm done with that for now. Here's some cool information for you :)
So, every year NUFS allows students to take part in this school-work program called Language Lounge. Basically, all we do is sit around and talk to Japanese students, and other non-native English speakers, in English. Yesterday was my first day in the lounge, and it was, none-too-surprisingly, incredibly fun! Seriously, who doesn't like sitting around for an hour, getting paid to have lunch and talk? One interesting thing I noticed yesterday, was that it is really, incredibly hard not to want to talk in Japanese (which, as part of our contract, we aren't supposed to do).
The girl on the right, Hitomi-san, is awesome....
I think I'm in friend-love
Part of the Language Lounge Tuesday crew

More people yay!
Alright well, I had a lot more to say, but I'm not quite finished with my thought process yet, so I'll save the rest for a later post...

As always ~ love you lattes <333333333333333

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