Friday, April 22, 2011

Escape artist

Listening to: Hot Child in the City by Nick Gilder
Currently drinking: Starbucks grande triple mocha (I needed the extra caffeine love this morning)

Why do I all of a sudden want to watch Sex and the City right now? I'm going to do a double post today because I went to the Tokugawa Art Museum, but I also wanted to share some thoughts that I've had since a recent conversation with Leah (you remember Leah right?).

There are three types of people that come to Japan, be they students, foreign teachers, or adventurers:
1) those who come for the language 2) those who come for the culture, and 3) those who come to escape. The first two generally end up coming here, learning a lot, and having a wonderful experience. The third category tend to arrive, have a fantastic time for the first few weeks, and finally end up hating it here because they realize that daily life is exactly like it is at home (except they don't speak the language). Japan is a modern country, so I don't know if this phenomenon is the same for people traveling to the third world...

I've been trying to figure out what category I fit into. Of course I came here for the culture and to learn the language, yet at the same time, I definitely feel like being here is somewhat of an escape. I don't necessarily mean an escape from some horribly boring life I led back in America. I go to a fantastic school, have amazing friends, and a wonderful boyfriend (who has been incredible since I've been here). I think, more so, this trip to Japan has been an escape from myself. I'm running away, attempting to anyway, from the scared little girl that doesn't want to grow up, who wants to remain safe in her own comfortable bubble of a life. In high school I had this giant fear that I would never graduate and end up living at home for the rest of my life (sorry mom and dad), and before I came here I had this notion that I would never be able to travel the world, that I would end up hating myself for not being adventurous. It's like I am constantly nervous that I won't be successful in life, so I turn myself into an escape artist. The real me, the strong girl who wants to do anything and everything, has to constantly perform incredible feats of escape from the obnoxious little naysayer that follows her around and attempts to lock her away.

Whether this is a good or a bad thing....I don't really know, but as of right now, I'm going to try my hardest to enjoy every moment.

See you next time and love you lattes <3

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