Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's fun to volunteer!

Listening to: The theme song to Hana Yori Dango (Boys Over Flowers)
Currently drinking:...I'm about to make some drip

I am exhausted, wiped, whatever word you want to use for tired. Yesterday I mentioned to my friend Catherine that I wouldn't mind taking her place volunteering at the orphanage if she couldn't make it. I was really hoping to go, but was doubtful because there were only four spots in the car. This morning I woke to a loud knock knock on my door, and much to my delight, I got to go with several other girls (my first ride in a Japanese car woot!) to one of the local orphanages and play for the day :) Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to take any pictures of the kids due to legal reasons, but I did get to take pictures of us making mochi, which is one of my favorite Japanese treats (maybe besides Pocky). Today was apparently a great day to go because they were having some sort of celebration, so I have lots of pictures of us hammering away at this beautifully sticky delicatessen...enjoy!
Ok, maybe I "accidentally" got a
few kids in my shots...
The mochi hammers
Hammer, fold, hammer, fold, hammer, fold, etc..

Mochi is really plain, but you can pretty much put
anything in it 
Makin mochi

Had to strike the Paul Bunyan pose :) 
Some of the girls from Proxy, oh and the little
boy in the back was so adorable!
On a more serious note. Most people in Japan don't think that places like orphanages exist, and don't realize that these kids need help, a support system, and most of all, somebody to be there for them that they can trust in. I ended up spending some time talking with one of our sensei's, who volunteers at several different orphanages a few times a week, and got to ask him why/when he started volunteering. He surprised me by telling me that his parents had gotten a divorce when he was young, and he didn't realize until recently how hard it is to be a child and not to have encouragement from parents. He told me a story about one of the girls who's mother decided to take her older brother with her, but leave the I guess being messed up is just universal. I mean, I probably shouldn't judge, I don't know that woman's situation, but still. Anyway, I had a really great time talking with the kids, playing tag, and making lots of little origami creations, and I definitely plan on going back! Ok well, I think it's time for a nap and/or more Hana Yori Dango...

As always, <3 you lattes!

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