Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Getting into the groove

Listening to: If I had a Million Dollars by The Barenaked ladies
Currently drinking: Instant coffee that distinctly tastes like dirty water

I just realized how little I update my blog, so I just wanted to say sorry to all you readers who await my posts with baited breath (just kidding), but seriously, blogging has really been giving me a god complex; read all you puny mortals READ mwahahahahahaha.... umm ehem, well, back to the point. I want to put forth a serious effort to update more, if not for you, then for me to remember more of my thoughts during this time abroad.
The sakura tree right outside my bedroom window

School has been in full swing for almost a week now, so everything is getting a little hectic. I find myself having less and less time sitting around doing nothing, and spending more of my time sitting around studying (see the progression of non-activity there?) My day basically goes like this: wake up, make breakfast (toast and coffee), study or sit on the computer, go to the gym for about a half an hour, class, go home, study, dinner, bed. Interesting right? One good thing is coming out of all this studying; I am actually learning (crazy right?). I mean, I may not be the best at languages, but I do find myself understanding more of what people are saying instead of just nodding my head and pretending like I have any idea what they are talking about. And I feel really lucky because our teacher, Noguchi-sensei, is really wonderful. She is kind and patient, and finds better ways of examples when we don't understand the information. She also really tailors to the class to our own personal needs, seeing as there are only two people in the class, so I'm looking forward to seeing how far I get with my language skills.

Next week we start all of the culture classes, which is what I came here for in the first place, so I'm pretty excited. I have started trying to fit a good schedule together, but unfortunately, a lot of the classes I want to take are during the same period as my language class (this is causing mild aggravation), so I might have to settle for a less-than-desired schedule. On the upside, a couple of people (myself included) are planning a trip to Osaka this weekend, so all this cabin fever I have will hopefully be relieved a little bit. Why be in a foreign country if you aren't going to see it? Alright, well I think that's all I have for now...

Until next time <3 you lattes!

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