Sunday, March 6, 2011

Why do they call it weekend? It should be Strong End!

Listening to: Random music at The Woods Coffee
Currently drinking: Alas nothing, I already had two lattes today, but I'm sitting in a coffeehouse so that counts right?

This weekend was absolutely wonderful! So many amazing things happened, and I'm incredibly happy that my last few weekends here have been blessed with friends, great conversations, and wild crazy times!

Friday night was spent happily celebrating two of my really good friends' birthdays (they're twins so I'll just call them that...), and it was awesome! I was allowed free range on planning everything, so I took them to my favorite places and tried to show them a good time. The night progressed slowly at first, starting at the Temple Bar, very classy and low key, and eventually working its way up to Rumor's Cabaret, probably one of the wildest places in Bellingham. Unfortunately, I got everyone kicked out early due to poor planning (I wore heels and was falling all over in them because I seriously CANNOT dance in heels.)

Happy Birthday Twins! You guys rock and I can't wait to come back and make have more awesome times out and about on the town :)

Saturday day I spent mostly trying to get rid of the massive hangover I had from previous happenings. That horrible sun had to just shine in on my face and force me out of bed... it was incredibly painful and I am very bitter, and then I foolishly decided to run into town to grab my car, which I very responsibly left and DID NOT drive home, and then head back. Why is this foolish you ask? I literally have not run more than 50 feet in about a month, I looked like I was running in slow motion, and my face was more bright red than an heirloom tomato when I finished. Needless to say, my a** is outta shape! So after hanging around for a while, watching Firefly and maybe America's Next Top Model... maybe, my roommate, Miss Wood, came home and we got ready for Monte Carlo Night!

Regrettably, I do not have pictures of this fantastic night of wonder, but I do have a great story to tell! First of all, I must say thank you to our wonderful hostess who allowed us to come and gaze in complete awe at her beautiful abode on the lake! Seriously, this place is like a log cabin castle. We started off the night with a tour and then just sat around talking and drinking for a while. Oh and another special shout out to my roommate for bringing Spire, my favorite hard cider. Sitting and talking is great, I won't knock it, but I must say that I'm glad this group of girls was up for some adventure. After a couple rounds of Catch Phrase and a little more drinking, our hostess suggested that we all make our way to the hot tub... the neighbor's hot tub. Now, we all had permission to be there, but the trek through the dark forest and then creeping onto the neighbor's property still made me feel a tad sketch. None of us have swimsuits so we all decide to go in the buff, though some chose to remain in underwear. Eight girls, moderately drunk, chillin in a hot tub, diving into the lake and then getting back in, is a recipe for good times. I may or may not have gotten in trouble for laughing and screaming too loud when I jumped in the lake, but I won't say ;) I did miss the Pirate, who was away in Vegas for an Ultimate Tourny, but ladies nights can just be so much damn fun!

Sunday morning wasn't quite as terrible for me as Saturday. I did not wake up with a massive headache or the urge to stumble to the bathroom and vomit, so let's call that a win. The sun was shining, but in a warm caressing way, not attacking me with rays of blinding hate, so I decided to go on a run seeing as I had such a hard time running the mile and a half downtown to grab my car the day before. I get back and sit down for a minute and my roommate walks in quite jubilant from her soccer game and happily suggests that we go on a hike. This is why I love Miss Wood! She pretty much always knows exactly what I need (i.e. brownies, watching musicals, gossip). I never had a sister growing up, but this is pretty much what I imagine one to be like :) Another reason why I <3 MW is that we have so much in common: we both love our men, have a serious traveling itch, love human rights, and need to be as busy as possible to be happy. So, on our way up, we talked about how adventures abroad can turn out completely differently than one's expectations.

I am going to Japan expecting to have this major epiphany, to learn the side of myself that is completely independent of all social norms and customs in America. But, what if that doesn't happen? What if I end up hating myself for not being able to handle it, or worse, not changing at all?

Thinking about it now, I think that personal growth can be similar to a hike. You are on this trail, there are trees all around and you can't see the top, but you know that if you keep moving forward you will eventually get to your destination. That me, that Shaina I really want to be, is at the end waiting patiently for me, but I really can't see her right now. The scenery is definitely beautiful, but there are cut off stumps and fallen over trees, so it's not perfect. Sometimes the hike can get pretty exhausting and you have to rest, or let other people pass you because they're in better shape, and it seems like you'll never get there. I really don't know if I will get there, but... I did get to the end of this hike, so that gives me hope!

 Thanks for reading and lattes of love!


  1. Thank you! Fragrance Lake is one of my favorite hikes in Bellingham. I also plan on posting a couple more pictures from the hike at the end of the week :)
