Friday, March 25, 2011

Baby steps

Listening to: Rocketeer cover by Ukelele Girl
Currently drinking: Starbucks double mocha

You know, sometimes it`s great to have a day to yourself. I love being with people, but I guess I`m just used to having time alone. Me, a good book, and some it. It`s weird being in a dorm (I never had to at Western because I transfered from community college halfway through the year), and I guess I just have to get used to it. Don`t get me wrong, I love everyone in the house, but I think I must be implicitly an introvert. Today was actually the first day I walked around town on my own. It was so....freeing. I didn`t feel like I depended on someone showing/telling me where to go, and I could wander about as I pleased. Obviously, I made my way to the local Starbucks where they still make my favorite drink (double short mocha), and it just felt, I don`t know, good. It`s almost like when you first get to a foreign country, you are comparable to an infant or a toddler, and the first time you explore in your own, you are taking your first steps towards some semblance of adulthood.

On a different note, many of the housemates are still leaving becasue their schools have recalled them (even though Nagoya is safe). One of them I have grown pretty close to due to our love of going to the gym and poetry, and I am going to miss him very much. So, Wyndon, this is your shout out :) Always keep being awesome, and know that you are a great person and an inspiration!

From left to right: Brandon, Wyndon, and Michelle

The past couple of days have been filled with a lot of fun things, as well as mandatory things that make sure I get to stay in the country (haha):

One of the RA`s Mai-chan

In front of the post office signing up for a mailbox
and bank account
 I finally finished my alien registration stuff yesterday (you are supposed to do it within ten days of arriving in the country and I was on the seventh day...), so YAY I am no longer illegal, just an alien :) I also found out what Japanese class I will be taking to go along with my culture classes; I`m in the beginning of the beginners, but that`s ok, I`d rather work my way up and take it slow than be in a class that went too fast for me.

As for fun stuff... well, I`ll just post a video that I took at the arcade we went to last night ;)

The point of the game was to throw as many balls at the screen as you possibly can. Warning: this game is not good for hyper competitive people who get too excited about arbitrary competition. Other things at the arcade were: really advanced guitar hero, lots and lots of toy grabbing machines (aka money pits), virtual horse racing, and purikura!!!! These things are super addicting, vain people beware.

That`s all for now <3
Stay awesome and love you lattes!

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