Thursday, March 1, 2012

53 Books

Listening to: Dream a Little Dream with Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong
Currently drinking: A delicious cup of drip with creamer in it

I'm sure many of you remember the summer reading lists we all had to complete all through the k-12 school system, you know, the classic lit. books like: Hamlet, Heart of Darkness, Animal Farm, Brave New World, Lord of the Flies, etc... Well, as much as I hated them at the time, I seem to kind of miss having something to report back at the end of my vacation. So, I've decided to create my own little summer reading list, mostly sci-fi and fantasy, but possibly some actual literary works as well :)

As part of my goal, in so far, I am going to read 53 books (it's a special number to uniquely me).. any more than that is fine, but I will be rather disappointed if I don't reach my goal. To celebrate this taking on, I went out the other day and splurged on a few delicious paperback items ^^
Obviously Sudoku won't be part of my reading list lol
Not pictured above is the newest Anne Rice, The Wolf Gift, I ordered fom Amazon (hopefully it will get here soon!). Anyways, I've already cruised my way through The Book of Lost Things, and I must say, I would definitely suggest picking it up if you have any interest in the old Grimm fairytales :) Connolly puts an even darker twist on the already black tales, and spins it in a way that makes the old characters feel very, incredibly real. I loved it and am saving some of the special, extra chapters at the end as a sort of treat for myself.

Next I will be reading the Windup Girl (I've been waiting for the cheap paperback version to come out for about a year now), which is set in the not-so-distant future where genetic rot has killed almost all of the GMO fruits and vegetables, and bio-terrorism runs rampant... I've only read about a chapter, and that was a year ago, but I'm enjoying it so far, mainly because of the scariness of the possibility of this fictional future actually coming into reality. If you don't like post-apocolyptic or science fictiony books, then I would say it's not for you.

Lattes of love and happy reading!

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