Monday, March 5, 2012

Bad poetry makes me feel good

Listening to: The Girl from Ipemena
Currently drinking: Just drip :)

Sometimes I write terrible poetry.... and it makes me feel better, so here's a piece for ya'll

There is a meadow far below
Where the clouds roll as they roll as they roll
And who should ever seem to know
The weather which precedes the snow
The weather which will come and go
In the meadow far, far below

There sits a girl
With eyes, a doe
With flaxen hair and silver bow
She sits and stares as the clouds roll, as they roll
Down in the dewy drizzling drops
In the meadow far down below

She sings to me
Song soft and slow
With flaxen hair and silver bow
And timid smile I seem to know
Singing, growing colder as we go
As the song lilts and rolls as it rolls as it rolls
In the meadow so far below

Pregnant clouds laden with snow
Roll as they roll as they roll as they roll
Above the girl
With flaxen hair and silver bow
Who sang so sweetly
Song soft and slow
In the meadow, the meadow below

The drops of dew all seem to know
Of the clouds laden heavily with snow
And the girl with flaxen hair and silver bow
Clinging to closed lashes
Twinkling and saying
I told you so
Down in the meadow far below

Thursday, March 1, 2012

53 Books

Listening to: Dream a Little Dream with Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong
Currently drinking: A delicious cup of drip with creamer in it

I'm sure many of you remember the summer reading lists we all had to complete all through the k-12 school system, you know, the classic lit. books like: Hamlet, Heart of Darkness, Animal Farm, Brave New World, Lord of the Flies, etc... Well, as much as I hated them at the time, I seem to kind of miss having something to report back at the end of my vacation. So, I've decided to create my own little summer reading list, mostly sci-fi and fantasy, but possibly some actual literary works as well :)

As part of my goal, in so far, I am going to read 53 books (it's a special number to uniquely me).. any more than that is fine, but I will be rather disappointed if I don't reach my goal. To celebrate this taking on, I went out the other day and splurged on a few delicious paperback items ^^
Obviously Sudoku won't be part of my reading list lol
Not pictured above is the newest Anne Rice, The Wolf Gift, I ordered fom Amazon (hopefully it will get here soon!). Anyways, I've already cruised my way through The Book of Lost Things, and I must say, I would definitely suggest picking it up if you have any interest in the old Grimm fairytales :) Connolly puts an even darker twist on the already black tales, and spins it in a way that makes the old characters feel very, incredibly real. I loved it and am saving some of the special, extra chapters at the end as a sort of treat for myself.

Next I will be reading the Windup Girl (I've been waiting for the cheap paperback version to come out for about a year now), which is set in the not-so-distant future where genetic rot has killed almost all of the GMO fruits and vegetables, and bio-terrorism runs rampant... I've only read about a chapter, and that was a year ago, but I'm enjoying it so far, mainly because of the scariness of the possibility of this fictional future actually coming into reality. If you don't like post-apocolyptic or science fictiony books, then I would say it's not for you.

Lattes of love and happy reading!