Sunday, July 10, 2011

One week

Listening to: Judas by Lady Gaga
Currently drinking: had the usual this afternoon with Amanda

Argh! I promised you I would blog over the weekend, but technically it's now Monday... I'm so sorry! I've been trying to go over what I want to write about over the past few weeks and pretty much been coming up with nothing. I think part of the reason I haven't been able to write is because my mind refuses to acknowledge the fact that I will be leaving Japan; it's not happening... it's not happening.

So anyway, here I sit with two of the best girls in the entire world, listening to random music and giggling at Rage Comics while pretending to study, the usual night in I-house. I've done quite a lot over the past few weeks, mostly in and around Nagoya, and have been thoroughly enjoying what little time I have left here (seeing as I finished all my major school projects about three weeks ago). Mostly, I've just been eating as much delicious Japanese food as possible and heading out on random shopping excursions for last minute "must haves" for friends and family back home.

This last Saturday I headed out to Gifu, about one prefecture over from Aichi, with Amanda and Jessica to visit our friend Yayoi and her family. To tell the truth, I'm a little ashamed that this is only my first visit to a Japanese friend's hometown, house, work, etc... but at least I got to experience it once before I leave the country. The schedule consisted of: eating delicious Hawaiian food, good ol' fashion bargain shopping, visiting Gifu's fire station, purikura, mall time, and a delicious (and free) traditional Japanese dinner at Yayoi's restaurant. Pictures ensuing... enjoy =D

Finished the night off with some DE-LICIOUS Starbucks of course ^^

Well, my time is almost up, and I really, REALLY don't want to think about it... it's just too sad. Everything has flown by in a flash, seriously, one semester is just not long enough and I would strongly advise anyone looking to study abroad to go for a full year. Thankfully, I do plan on coming back to Japan, most likely as an English teacher, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the years to come. 

I don't really plan on updating this week (I may if I get bored at some point), but I do plan on giving one last update the night before my flight, and possibly on my layover in China. I don't really want to say it (tears might be welling up in my eyes right now), but after that, LL&L will be no more.... *sigh* 

Here's to a bittersweet goodbye... love you lattes <3 Shawesome

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