Saturday, February 5, 2011

New beginnings

Listening to: Marry You by Bruno Mars
Currently drinking: Self-made Double Mocha

So here I sit on a Saturday night, not necessarily wanting to go out but not wanting to finish studying for that pesky midterm either, and I think to myself, "Starting a blog sounds pretty good right about now...."

I've been contemplating starting one for a while, and after a few months of reading other travel blogs, gathering tons of inspiration, and lots of personal deliberation, I finally decided to do it! Most people reading this will already know that I absolutely love anything to do with espresso, so I decided that I should only post these musings while sipping on a nice smooth cup of joe...yum :)

I will be leaving to study abroad for a year in Nagoya, Japan pretty soon, and I know for many people, world travel isn't all that impressive, but for me, it's a whole new chapter. It's something that I have dreamed of all my life, but never thought possible. I feel like it's so easy in America just to go through the motions of becoming a good citizen: graduate high school, go to college, get a job, get married, have kids, blah, blah , blah. Not that any of that is bad! I just want to know what else is out there...

Well, my Certificate of Eligibility should be coming in the mail in a few days, and then I'm off to the Consulate to get my Visa, yay life experiences! Although I don't know how often I will be doing updates, I will be getting my camera soon, so I will definitely be taking pictures of my last month in B'ham as well as all my pre-travel schtuff, which means you should be on the lookout for new postings! That's pretty much it for now (it's my bedtime), but I definitely am looking forward to many more caffeinated nights like this :)

Thanks for reading and love you lattes!

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