Friday, February 24, 2012

Kevin Bacon inspired this post

Listening to: Through the Looking Glass Audiobook by Lewis Carroll
Currently drinking: Triple tall caramel sauce mocha... they ran out of pumpkin spice =C

Gotta love having roommates. After deciding to be free of emotional relationship burdens for the time being and planning to set off on new adventures, I am also allowing my lovely roomies, and new Seattle friends, to introduce me to new awesome things :D So, Monday I am going to try my hand at rock climbing at this place. I've always kind of avoided climbing because the last time I went (when I was about 11), I ended up sore and trembling for days... Shaina has a serious lack of upper body strength (though I've heard it's all mostly lower body). I also found an amazing little dance studio right around the corner from my house and have decided to enroll in the classical ballet and modern classes. Miss Wood, friend from much earlier posts, also linked me to this awesome blog which has inspired me to try even more fun little things I wouldn't normally think of to try (i.e. being a spy or making my own dress). With a little self reflection, I've come to realize that I have been ignoring all of the artsy, fun, creative things I love to do in lieu of trying to talk my way into emotional well being. Sometimes you just gotta dance it out... cue Kevin Bacon...

I've always been a mixture of things: artsy, athletic, fun loving and caring, yet individual and driven... and it's always left me feeling somewhere stuck in the middle somehow, but maybe, just maybe, this concotion of ecclectic interests and strange loves adds up to be some sort of awesome super being that will never be closed off to trying new things...I hope. PS anyone have any good book suggestions? Aside from blogging, I plan on giving up my life online for a bit, and I am hoping to spend my nights off exploring in other worlds :)

Lattes of love <3

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Epic vs EPIK Love

Listening to: Just Around the Riverbend from Pochahontas
Currently drinking: My usual triple tall ps mocha :D

I always thought that I would travel the world with the person I loved. Somehow I always saw myself as being part of this unstoppable duo that could conquer anything and be awesome at everything. Well, this past year has been quite the learning curve. I came back from Japan fully expecting to restart my life with a certain someone, had an amazing reunion for about a month, got my heart stomped all over, tried to start things up again, and ended up failing all over again... It hurt, it hurt really bad, and for a while I wasn't in a very good place. After my move up to Seattle and starting work at City, I slowly started rebuilding my life again, rediscovering the things I love, making new friends, and hanging out with my amazing roommates, and, as much fun as it has been, I still don't feel completely satisfied. In the words of one of my trusted confidants, living in Seattle has just been a "placeholder" until I figured out where I really want to go in life, and just this past week I have finally made up my mind.
Getting ready with the peace signs ^___^
I've been wanting to go teach in Korea since my stay in Japan and reading several ESL teachers blogs from over there. After graduation I decided to apply through EPIK to go teach, but have been having a little bit of trouble contacting them and working logistics of interviews and whatnot. Finally (just today) I was emailed by one of the recruiters from the program to set up my initial phone interview appointment for next Wednesday, and, if all goes well, I will be getting ready to start teaching abroad in the ROK later this summer. This still gives me plenty of time to enjoy the beautiful Washington summer weather, and decide whether or not I 100% feel this is the right path, but I am so excited to be on my way... to build on my already amazing experiences, and experience an EPIC love of self. And who knows what and who else is out there to experience... ;) The world is a beautiful oyster just ripe for the taking my friends :D

I will keep you updated on the interview process and hopefully all my wonderful new journeys as a teacher <3

Love you all lattes ^^

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Twenty things of happiness

Listening to: True Affection by The Blow
Currently drinking: Triple tall pumpkin spice mocha (this morning)

Lately I've been in a funk. Lack of money mixed with lack of proximity to friends and fun things has definitely been a part of that, but I realize that I need to remind myself of what makes me happy, so just for me (and maybe a little for everyone else), I've decided to write a list of what makes me happy. Next time I feel like I'm about to sink into a dismal purgatory of emotion, I will reread this list, and try and pick one of these things that help keep unique me, uniquely happy <3

1. Coffee (we all know this)... it's warm and delicious and fills my belly with liquid heaven
2. Music and musicals: listening to it, dancing to it, singing... I must have music
3. Running around outside like a half mentally challenged explanation needed
4. GAMES! All of dem
5. My family and friends
6. Making delicious foods
7. Travel. It doesn't matter where... it could just be hopping in the car or on the plane to another country...just the ability to be free
8. Fluffy and cute things....yes
9. Taking a nice hot shower after being freezing cold outside all day, making all the sniffles melt away
10. Puns
11. Reading trashy sci-fi novels and sitting around doing cross words
12. Long romantic moonlight walks on the beach (jk... but seriously)
13. Urban exploration
14. Skinny dipping
15. Sunshine
16. Manga, anime, basically all Japanese things
17. Furniture shopping, grocery shopping.... just shopping in general
18. How I Met Your Mother
19. Swing, Salsa, and every other kind of dance
20. Being random